At MPOW I search a lot of library catalogs (and usually I am indeed interested in the searching, not the finding per se). But what do you search for in a “foreign” library catalog?

In the postscript to this post, Jonathan Rochkind reveals that his “brainless test search” is typically “frogs”. Mine is “Amish”, which I picked up from one of my bosses years ago. It’s short, found in the catalogs of most English-language libraries (and in a surprising number of non-English catalogs), and doesn’t return thousands of hits. And apparently, every public library in the U.S. is required by law to hold a copy of Amish society by John Hostetler.

What’s your typical search when you want to test a library catalog?

Liz Rea of the North East Kansas Library System and I have started a new group blog, Library Hackers Unite!. It’s a blog by and for library sysadmins and programmers with a practical bent, and we aim to cover the gamut of library systems hackerdom.

Besides Liz and myself, Joe Atzberger and Ruth Bavousett write there as well. Want to join the crew or do a guest post? Drop Liz or me a line.

Ollie LOLcat
Ollie LOLcat by mlcastle

I just realized something — I’ve never heard anybody refer to the LITA OSS IG as the “awww-zig”. Probably just as well.

Anyway, here’s my pitch for the meeting, which is today, 9 January 2011, at the San Diego Convention Center in room 31C. By design, the IGs in LITA are perhaps the wildest and wooliest part of ALA, being forums for like-minded librarians and library techies to discuss and work on cool toys and share ideas for the benefit of their libraries. The OSS IG is no exception; one of the best parts of our meetings is going around the table and having everybody present discuss what they’ve been up to with F/OSS. Think of it as Code4Lib where ties and jackets are allowed!

There is also a business meeting, which co-chair Daniel Lovins and I will keep as short as possible, but fortunately, there’s little in the way of administrivia to talk about. The main agenda item for the business meeting: what does the OSS IG group want to do next? To toss some ideas out:

  • Find good speakers for a managed discussion for the meeting at the next Annual.
  • Do a workshop or preconference. The migrating to open source systems preconference at ALA Annual last year was a success, so we know we can do it again.
  • Organize a LITA webinar or web class.
  • Post to the LITA blog.
  • Do something neat on the LITA sandbox server.
  • Or do something else entirely.

I look forward to seeing friends of F/OSS, the curious, and even the dubious for what will be a great discussion.

I noticed that a patch recently submitted for Koha adds the following line to one of Koha’s Perl modules:

use utf8;

utf8 is a perfectly fine and proper Perl pragma, right? Indeed it is. The problem is that the purpose of the patch is to try to fix an issue with reading and displaying UTF-8 characters from a file. So what does use utf8; contribute to that patch?


The only thing that the utf8 pragma does is signal to the Perl interpreter that the Perl source code is in UTF-8. If you’re using non-ASCII characters in your source code, you’ll need the pragma. For example,

use utf8;
my $str = "La lluvia en España se mantiene principalmente en el llano!";

or even

use utf8;
my $str_en_inglés = "The rain in Spain falls mostly on the plain!";

If what you’re actually trying to do is ensure that the script is handling UTF-8 input and output correctly, use utf8; won’t help. This tutorial will.

There are a lot of programs related to free and open source software at the Annual meeting of the American Library Association this year, but I am particularly looking forward to the LITA preconference on migrating to open source library systems, which I helped organize along with the LITA Open Source Systems Interest Group.  The main speakers are:

  • Terry Reese, Gray Family Chair for Innovative Library Services, Oregon State University, who will be presenting on MarcEdit.
  • David Lindahl, Web Initiatives Manager, University of Rochester, who will be discussing the XC project, evaluating open source with users in mind, migrating and managing metadata, and interoperating the ILS with other open source software.
  • Brenda Chawner, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, who will discuss the Kete community digital archive platform and building communities to contribute to open source software.

I will also be presenting on techniques for loading data into open source ILSs, and I know that a number of people with experience working with and migrating to open source library software will be present to share their expertise.

The preconference will be in the Monroe Room at the Hilton Washington and will run from 9 to 4:30 on Friday, 25 June 2010.  It is a paid preconference of LITA, but I will be blogging it and sharing the thoughts and insights of the speakers and participants with the world.  As far as I know, if you will be attending ALA, it is still possible to register for the preconference.

But wait!  There’s more!  There is another LITA preconference on Friday. related to F/OSS software, the “Open Source CMS Playroom” which will be lead by Karen Coombs from OCLC and Amanda Hollister from LISHost.  For more details, check out the LITA events page.

With the recent move of the Koha mailing lists to, the full email address for submitting a patch is now Since that’s a bit long to type every time you submit a patch, here’s one way to save a few keystrokes.

First, create a text file file to define a short alias for the email address. I chose to call the file ~/.git_aliases. The file should contain a line like this:

alias kpatches

Next, tell Git that you want to use this address book file:

$ git config --global sendemail.aliasesfile ~/.git_aliases
$ git config --global sendemail.aliasfiletype mutt

Now, all you have to do is use kpatches in place of the full address. For example:

$ git send-email 0001-bug-4801-fix-paging-in-display-of-staged-bibs-and-im.patch

Who should the emails appear to be from? [Galen Charlton ]

Who should the emails be sent to? kpatches


$ git send-email -to kpatches 0001-bug-4801-fix-paging-in-display-of-staged-bibs-and-im.patch

I found out today that Craig Lowe, the incoming mayor of Gainesville, used to work as a programmer for the Florida Center for Library Automation, so his election is even better news for libraries in Gainesville and Alachua County than I had thought. Craig has been on the library governing board for a while, but it is nice to know that he has direct experience to bear. (Yes, I voted for him.)